En GardE method

Our training sessions are successful because they equip you with tried-and-tested tools and strategies that you can use immediately, give you time for intensive practice and show you how to apply theory to your real-life situation straight away. Every successful negotiation needs planning and structure, which is why we developed our En GardE NegotiationsChrono. It enables you to tackle every negotiation, irrespective of its subject or setting.

The NegotiationsChrono


En GardE participants are trained according to a specifically developed method which guides you through the key phases of a negotiation step by step. This way you will understand the processes inherent in negotiations and learn how to employ the strategies, methods and tools before and during a negotiation process. Negotiation results will no longer be left to chance.

Contact us. We will be delighted to advise you.

We are happy to advise you on the perfect training for you.