Christoph Kuzinski
Educational background
Banker (BHF-Bank, Frankfurt), certified NLP Master Practitioner (German association DVNLP) and system coach (International Association for Systemic Work).
Professional background
Christoph has more than 20 years’ experience in sales and management in the fields of financial services, data, software and IT. Some stepping stones in his exemplary career: three years as Managing Director of Telekurs (Deutschland) GmbH, eight years as Regional Account Director (CEMA) Global Accounts at Thomson Reuters, General Manager Austria & Eastern Europe at Bridge Information Systems, and Sales Director for interest rate derivatives and product innovations at Hypo Bank. Christoph combines many years in top management positions with proven negotiation skills: from large single budgets to highly complex, international contract structures. He now works as a trainer and coach with a focus on communication, career and business coaching, and is one of our licensed En GardE negotiation trainers (English and German).
En GardE focus
Christoph leads our “Effective Business Negotiations” seminar as well as our En GardE Masterclass (in English and German).
Next trainings with Christoph Kuzinski
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